Lieutenant Kevin F. Dillon (Retired), is a twenty-five year veteran law enforcement officer, retired from the Wethersfield, CT Police Department which is a suburb of the state’s capital, Hartford, CT. Lieutenant Dillon has served as Detective Commander, Patrol Commander and training supervisor. A SWAT team member since 1993, he served for six years as a Team Leader and his last 3 years as Commander of the regional thirty-five member SWAT team (Capitol Region Emergency Services Team). 

Lieutenant Dillon is a National Academy graduate of the F.B.I. session 223, (Fall 2005) and is certified by the Force Science Institute for  Analysis of Use of Force Incidents and certified by the Institute of  Prevention of In Custody Deaths for Use of Force and Excited Delirium.

Lieutenant Dillon has develop two Internationally recognized programs actively instructed throughout the country. One is the L.O.C.K.U.P. ® Arrest and Control System. L.O.C.K.U.P. ® is a comprehensive approach, based on gross motor skill concepts, that actually reduces injuries to citizens and police officers.  Lieutenant Dillon educates officers about the instinctual physiological and physical responses of the human nervous system during combat.

The second is L.E.A.D.S. – Law Enforcement Active De-escalation Strategies Plus Tactical Options – which is a communication program designed for law enforcement.  De-escalation strategies are instructed  along with patrol tactics and relocation strategies when the option is available.  This program has been reviewed and approved by the United States Department of Justice.

The systems are evidence-based, court-defendable, consistent with and based upon the legal guidelines governing police use-of-force, and is appropriate as a system for officers, regardless of physical attributes.  The system can be retained and deployed with minimal continuation training. Lieutenant Dillon also focuses on the tracking and trending all use  of force deployments.  To effectively manage use of force you need to effectively measure use of force.

Lieutenant Dillon has appeared on CNN, NPR, and other radio talk shows. He is an expert contributor and columnists to,, and

Lieutenant Dillon, a highly sought after speaker and trainer, has trained and consulted law enforcement on use of force issues / programs throughout North America and Europe. He has presented at numerous conferences such as the  International Association of Chief of Police (IACP), FBI NA Chapters / LEEDA, and FBI Command College, the Commission of Accreditation for Law  Enforcement Agencies (CALEA®), Wyoming, New Mexico Sheriffs, St Louis MO and many more. Lieutenant Dillon is also founder and president of KFD Training &Consultation LLC,, and His company seeks to provide the highest level of professional police, security training, and use of force consultation for the past 18 years.